Our Mission
At POKERWINNERS we strive to not just help players to optimize progression within poker, but also with within life itself because we understand that the two are not mutually exclusive and to be the best version of ourselves on the tables we must also be the best version of ourselves off it.
We invest heavily our time, money and energy to level up all areas of our players lives, to instill solid foundations, good mental and physical health and provide an efficient learning environment for dedicated and ambitious individuals to thrive - including a dedicated team of mentors, mindset coaching and even personal fitness trainer access for all players.
We aim big and we back it up with an strong work ethic to ensure our aspirations are realistically in reach and getting closer by the day, We pride ourselves with our ability to inspire each individual to step up and improve month-on-month both on and off the tables adding a real quality to each others lives as we pursue the journey towards becoming the best we can be.
Deals start at 50/50 and rise to 55/45 in the players favour after the initial probation period, with settlements made each calendar month as you play risk-free. When we say risk-free, we actually mean it as we pride ourselves on being the only staking company to operate without a legal contract and to allow players to leave at any time (including when in deficit) without consequence. We pride ourselves even more than no one ever leaves - such is the value we add.
We aim to be your perfect partner providing you the support you need to optimize your progression. We even provide players in deficit the opportunity to earn an advance equivalent to 20% of your monthly profit should you start the month in deficit and not fully clear the made up.
We only work with full time serious players that are willing to dedicate a large amount of time to improving by attending webinars and group study sessions, because this is the key to developing at a fast pace and thus being able to realistically work towards 5 and 6-figure paydays in the not too distant future as we re-calibrate your game and the efficiency of your study and teach you the skills required to be part of the poker elite.
We don't dream for success. We work for it.
100% Satisfaction Guaranteed
We pride ourselves on being he only staking company to allow players to leave at any time (including in deficit) without consequence. ​
We pride ourselves even more that no one ever leaves such is the value we add.
We take the risk, so you don't have too. ​
Our Core Values
We practice what we preach
We pride ourselves on holding an open, fair and honest dialogue with every player at all times.
It's our duty to tell you exactly how we see it and what in our assessment may need to change.
Accountability is one of the key cornerstones for any successful organisation.
Total efficiency is only possible if every relationship is based on mutual accountability so we demand you hold us accountable as much as we hold you.
Efficient knowledge accumulation through streamlined study techniques are the key to fast progression.
We teach you the tools and processes to acquire knowledge efficiently rather than just telling you the answers.
We only every work with the long-term in mind so once you join the team we ensure you are clear on your long-term goals and that your short-term actions align with these.
Our commitment to you is we will do everything to help you succeed.
We only allow positive minds into the team so we can focus on achieving our mission without distraction.
If you are passionate enough you will make it happen.
A dream without passion is a pipedream.
Mike C
Owner / Coach / Mentor
Poker is something I love with a passion and the quest to become stronger is something that captivates me every single day. I love coaching and take great satisfaction in helping others to improve. I pride myself in efficient learning processes, an ability to identify areas of weakness and turn them into strengths, and above all to help people to overcome obstacles off the tables that may have held them back, so they can push on to be the best version of themselves both on and off the tables.
I've made it my mission to outstudy every player consistently so I have the knowledge to be able to coach and build efficient processes. Outside of poker I also take personal development very seriously spending 5-figures a year on mastery and development courses with success coaches such as Tony Robbins to keep myself developing and able to add value.
Poker Education
20 Years playing poker.
15 Years staking players.
Hundreds of players staked.
Thousands of hours studying and coaching.
Received 500+ hours of Elite coaching on poker, mindset, fitness, business mastery, emotion mastery, life mastery, neuro-linguistic programming and many others.
Other Certifications
BA (Hons) International Business, Finance, Economics.

Apply for Elite Staking
We make no apologies for the high standards we require to join our team. You must play full time, be able to display volume of over 2500 MTTs per year, and have a cumulative profit of over $50k historically to be considered.
If you meet this criteria and wish to apply, you will be expected to record 30 minutes of footage of you playing with commentary for our assessment as your main application process.